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Diagnosis of Overactive bladder/Urgency Urinary Incontinence will start with a thorough medical history. Your doctor will obtain a history of how often you urinate during the day and night and if you have an abnormal strong urge to urinate. Other important information is if you are leaking with urgency, at night and/or without any sensation. Documentation of pad use is also recorded.

A physical exam will be performed with attention to the abdomen and genital areas for assessment of anatomy and signs of possible pelvic organ prolapse.

A urine sample is important to rule out a bladder infection. Your doctor may also check to make sure you are emptying your bladder. This can be done by either an ultrasound scan of the bladder or by passing a small catheter into the bladder to drain the remaining urine after voiding

Your doctor may request a bladder diary or special tests after your visit.

A urodynamic test is the most common test to understand the function of your bladder and why you may be experiencing these bothersome urinary symptoms.

Based on your history, your doctor may also want to perform a Cystoscopy which is a test that looks inside the bladder see the lining to rule out any bladder stone or cancer.

